Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A dream of family

Clark and Mimi is a couple from the United States. Clark is a retired broker and Mimi is an ESL teacher. They have 1 dog called Ales which we became very good friends. I was their host during a day, but during that short period I spent a fantastic time. All what happened in that day was very particular since the way I met her until the day she left me in The University Towers.

Yet, what makes them a fantastic couple?

Firstly, Mimi and Clark have had a lot of exchange students in their house. When ESL organizes a homestay they are one of the people that offer their house for the homestay.
I met Mimi in a very particular way. I was in an event from ESL, and she asked me where I was from. I told her that I am a Fulbrighter student, and then she asked me my name, and when I said my name is David” she said me that I was her host. Such a Crazy History…
After that, we went to her house by car and when we were speaking in the car, we had a very interesting talk in which I talked to her my bad Ideology which said that all the United States citizenship are like Donald Trump. She told me that, there is a lot of people that thinks that, because the politic of the United States where very aggressive to other countries, but figuering out I could understand more about the economic and policy of the United States. Furthermore, In that Talk I learned that In the United States there are a lot of things happening at the same time, rather than Argentina That is a very centraliced country.
After that interesting talk we arrived to her house and I met Clark, her husband, and we pick him up to go to another place. They carry on me to a Chinese restaurant and it was my first time tasting wasabi (It was very very spicy), but despite of the fact that it was spicy, it was very good.
Later we went to a cowboy store to hear some music, to finish again in their house drinking some Germany beer and talking about their life, trips that they made, their experiences, Jokes, And know more about the United States Country.
The following day we went to make walk their dog and it was very funny, because apart from walking their dog they made me a city tour of Austin. I learnt a lot from the Music, and popular places in Austin a part from practicing my English. So, I hope that this program continues in the future because it is a good way to understand more in the world that we live, and the different points of view that all the persons have.

So, the unique word that I have from them Is thanks for that fantastic day, and the experiences that I had with all of them.

(Formatting in proces. Not finished yet)


  1. I'm glad you had an opportunity not only to visit with such a wonderful family, but also to gain perspective on other ideologies you had through the experience and talk with Mimi and Clarke.

  2. The experience of living with a local family is fantastic. I really enjoyed the time I spent with my host family. I not only practiced my English skills, but I also could learn many things about the life in the United States and its culture.

  3. It's awesome to be able to understand what exactly are the differences between cultures and we got the opportunity to do it in an excellent way. So, like you, I hope this program continues next year as it will improve the way many of our people think as we did. Big hug David!
